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“We can’t play baseball anymore because the lagoon overflowed’’: The leisure constraints for children living in an informal settlement in Colombia


  • Andrea Diaz Hernandez Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
  • Myriam Fernanda Torres Universidad de la Salle

Palabras clave:

leisure constraints theory, children , qualitative methods, informal settlements, poverty


Research on children’s leisure constraints in deprived contexts has been carried out through quantitative and qualitative approaches. However, the data come primarily from national surveys or children’s parents’ narrative accounts—only a few have considered children as research participants—. Consequently, parents, professionals, and researchers only know partially the constraints children experience on their leisure. Therefore, this research explores the leisure constraints of children living in an informal settlement in Colombia from their points of view under the Leisure Constraints Theory. This research found that children experience multiple structural and interpersonal constraints on their leisure beyond the lack of economic resources. Among these constraints, we found a unique leisure constraint for these children. In conclusion, our results showed that their parents’ economic resources and the leisure offers prevent them from forming their leisure preferences, and leisure constraints prevent them from turning their favorite leisure activities into serious leisure experiences.

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Biografía del autor/a

Andrea Diaz Hernandez, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Andrea Díaz Hernández es Doctora en Ocio, Cultura y Comunicación para el Desarrollo Humano. Actualmente, se desempeña como docente ocasional en el programa de Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca. Andrea Diaz lleva más de seis años explorando los beneficios del ocio para las personas, así como las barreras de algunos grupos sociales en su participación en el ocio. Sus intereses de investigación versan sobre el ocio y el tiempo libre de niñas, niños y jóvenes, que la han hecho merecedora del premio The Maureen Harrington Fund for Promoting Leisure Studies por su investigación sobre el ocio de niños y niñas que viven en los asentamientos informales en Colombia.


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2024-06-28 — Actualizado el 2024-06-29


Cómo citar

Diaz Hernandez, A., & Fernanda Torres, M. (2024). “We can’t play baseball anymore because the lagoon overflowed’’: The leisure constraints for children living in an informal settlement in Colombia. Crítica Y Resistencias. Revista De Conflictos Sociales Latinoamericanos, (18), 21-36. Recuperado a partir de



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